How to Keep Your Hearing Aids from Falling Out Skip to Main Content

How to Keep Your Hearing Aids from Falling Out

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– 4.5 minute read

Proper Hearing Aid Fittings for Patients in Philadelphia, PA

Hearing aids are life-changing devices designed to make life easier and more enjoyable. However, some patients can have issues keeping them securely in their ears. It can be frustrating dealing with hearing aids that keep falling out, especially when you work and maintain an active lifestyle. At Main Line Audiology, our hearing aid testing and treatment services include a professional fitting to ensure your devices match your hearing loss diagnosis, fit comfortably in your ears, and stay in place. 

Fortunately, not all is lost if your hearing aids keep falling out. Below, our hearing care providers review the common reasons hearing aids fall out of patients’ ears and troubleshooting tips to keep them in place. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of professional hearing aid fittings, or visit one of our hearing care centers in Philadelphia, PA, and the surrounding areas. 

Reasons Your Hearing Aids Won’t Stay in Place 

Knowing why your hearing aids keep falling out is a great way to troubleshoot the issue and keep them in place. Some things you can do to prevent them from falling out include the following:  

  • Determine When They Typically Fall Out – Is there something you’re doing when your hearing aids fall out? Whether exercising, eating, or talking on the phone, if you can pinpoint an event that often causes them to come loose, our hearing care providers can check to ensure they fit properly. If you have extra inserts for your earmold, you could try using a smaller or larger size to help fix the problem before calling your hearing care provider. 
  • Inspect Your Inserts – If your hearing aids are falling out and they have a removable earpiece, the insert might be the wrong size. Foam tips should be replaced every two to three weeks, and silicone ones should be replaced every four to six months. If it’s been a while since you replaced your inserts, this could be part of the issue. They also might need to be refitted or adjusted by your hearing care provider.  
  • How Are You Inserting Your Hearing Aids? – Some patients’ hearing aids fall out because they don’t know how to insert them correctly. The hearing aid should be flush with your ear canal and slide in smoothly. If they don’t feel comfortable, you can schedule an appointment with your hearing care provider to ensure you’re inserting them properly or the fit is right. 
  • Check for Excess Earwax – If your hearing aids are fitted and inserted correctly, you could be dealing with earwax build-up, which might be causing the issue. If you have excess earwax, it could be pushing your hearing aids away from your ear canal. Don’t attempt to remove earwax blockages on your own. Our hearing care providers can safely remove the wax from your ears to avoid further damage. 
  • Use Hearing Aid Accessories When Active – If you maintain an active lifestyle, whether you work out at the gym daily or go jogging, it could be more difficult for your hearing aids to stay in because sweating can lead to device displacement. There are several hearing aid accessories you can use to help keep them in place when you’re particularly active, including headbands, straps, and clips.  
  • Consider New Hearing Aids – How long have you been wearing the pair of hearing aids you have now? If your current set is over five years old, it might be time for a new pair. Hearing aids and molds should be replaced every five to seven years. After wearing hearing aids for several years, ear canals change shape, contributing to hearing aids that won’t stay in place.

The Importance of a Professional Fitting 

Professional hearing aid fittings ensure your devices are programmed to match your hearing loss diagnosis and physical ear fit. The closer the match, the better your hearing aids will perform. Many people with hearing loss opt for over-the-counter devices and never schedule a professional fitting with a hearing care provider. However, the most effective hearing aid treatment plan starts with a comprehensive hearing evaluation

Once we determine the degree and type of your hearing loss, we’ll review recommendations for top-tier devices matching your needs, preferences, and lifestyle. Once they’re ready, your provider will check them for their physical fit and comfort and follow up with you for any necessary adjustments in the future. 

Contact Our Hearing Care Professionals to Learn More

If your hearing aids keep falling out and you feel defeated, the hearing care providers at Main Line Audiology are here to help. Whether we need to explore other hearing aid types to choose from or inspect to see if excess earwax build-up is the culprit, we’ll work diligently to find a solution so you can have a comfortable experience with your treatment plan.

Contact us for assistance with your hearing aids or to learn more about what we offer patients throughout the region. You can also schedule an appointment online for a one-on-one consultation at one of our conveniently located hearing care centers in Philadelphia, PA and the surrounding areas, including Jenkintown and Audubon.

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